Game Preview

FCE Gold U3- Grammar

  •  English    16     Public
    Future Tenses
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • I´m sure that as soon as the teacher comes, he __________(explain) what we've got to do.
    will explain
  •  15
  • ________(you /do) anything exciting this weekend? We ___________(have) a party if you want to come.
    are you doing / are havig
  •  25
  • Look at this essay title! It __________(be) really difficult to write.
    's going to be
  •  5
  • I can't believe it. In a few hours' time I ________(celebrate) the end of exams.
    will be celebrating
  •  10
  • By the time I start university, you _________(work) for two years.
    will have been working
  •  25
  • My new job ________(start) at 8 am so I think I ____________(go) to bed early.
    (starts / will go)
  •  15
  • Can you finish that at home? The bell ___________(be about to) go.
    is about to
  •  15
  • You've got a text message. Oh, I ______________(read) it later.
    will read
  •  15
  • A:Can I call you around five thirty? B:Better not. I ________________(do) my homework then.
    will be doing
  •  25
  • I can't wait forFriday the 22nd. We ______________ our exams by then.
    will have finished
  •  15
  • I'm not very hopeful about this match. We're ______________ to win.
  •  10
  • A:Have you been keen on judo for a long time? B:By this May, I ______________ (do) for three years
    will have been doing
  •  20
  • A:What are your plans for the weekend? B:We ______(go) to a music festival.
    are going
  •  20
  • A:Could you help me with my essay? B:No, I'm sorry. I __________________ go to a doctor's appointment
    am about to
  •  20
  • A:Excuse me, do you know when this presentation is supposed to start? B: It says it ________________ start at half past 12.
    is due to
  •  20
  • A: Are you going to NY for the holidays, like you wanted to? B: In the end I'm not going. I __________________ (save) enough money by the end of the year.
    won't have saved
  •  15