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The Giver: Chapters 9-10

  •  English    15     Public
    The Giver: Chapters 9-10
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  • Why has Jonas's and Asher's relationship changed?
    Asher and Jonas’s relationship has changed because Jonas was selected for the most important assignment.
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  • Where will Lily begin her volunteer hours?
    Lily will start volunteering at the Nurturing Center.
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  • Why did Father give Lily a warning glance during dinner?
    During dinner Father gives her a warning glance because they aren’t supposed to know Gabriel’s name.
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  • Why is the previous Receiver of Memory’s name never to be spoken or used again for a new child?
    The previous Receiver’s name is never to be spoken again or used again for a new child because the name is perceived as being disgraceful.
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  • Which rule for his assignment is he not ready to think about?
    The rule that Jonas wasn’t ready to think about was being able to lie.
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  • Why was Jonas taken aside for a brief private lesson in language precision when he was four?
    When Jonas was four, he was given a short lesson on precision of language because he said he was starving instead of saying he was hungry.
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  • What thought frightened Jonas at the end of chapter 9?
    Jonas is frightened of the thought that maybe adults in the community have been lying to him all along.
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  • What happened to the nameplate on the back of each new Twelve’s bike?
    After the Ceremony of Twelves, the nameplates were taken off the back of the new Twelve’s bicycles.
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  • What is written on every twelves nameplate after the Ceremony of Advancement?
    'Citizen in Training'
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  • What is the Receiver's dwelling called?
    The Annexe.
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  • What did the Attendant do when Jonas walked in the lobby of the Annex?
    When Jonas arrived at the Annexe, the attendant automatically stood when she realized he was Jonas.
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  • What made Jonas feel uncomortable when he tried to open the door?
    Jonas felt uncomfortable when trying to open the door because it was locked.
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  • What did the Receiver of Memory have a lot of in his dwelling?
    The Receiver of Memory has a lot of books in his dwelling.
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  • What 3 books are found in every dwelling in the Community?
    The book of rules, a dictionary and a community volume that contained a description of every office.
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  • Name 2 new terms that Jonas learns in his first memory transmission?
    Snow, sledge, runners and downhill.
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