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Heat Study Questions

  •  English    20     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • 1. Energy of a moving object is ________.
    kinetic energy
  •  15
  • 2. Energy that is stored for later is ____.
    potential energy
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  • What are the types of energy?
    Thermal, electrical, sound, light, and chemical energy
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  • The flow of thermal energy from a warmer object to a cooler object is called ____.
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  • What is Earth's main source of heat?
    the sun
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  • When two objects rub against each other, and try to stop each other's motion, it's called _______.
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  • What are some examples of friction?
    rubbing hands together/bike breaks
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  • What is a thermometer used for?
    measuring temperature
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  • At what temperature does water freeze?
    32 degrees
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  • At what temperature does water boil?
    212 degrees
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  • Does color affect heat?
    Yes. Dark colors absorb heat.
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  • A material that heat moves through easily is called a ____.
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  • Metal pots, metal spoons, gold, water, and copper are all types of _________.
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  • A material that heat does not move easily through is called an __________.
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  • What are examples of insulators?
    wooden spoon, fur, plastic, and rubber
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  • Oil, coal, and gasoline are types of ______.
    chemical energy
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