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Self-Regulated Learning

  •  English    15     Public
    As a new teacher, the following quiz will be used to assess your knowledge base of behavioral & social learning theories and their implications for classroom practice.
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  • Ivan Pavlov theorized what method? Is this behavioral or social in theory?
    Behavioral > Classical Conditioning (Pavlov)
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  • B.F. Skinner theorized what method? Is this behavioral or social in theory?
    Behavioral > Operant Conditioning (Skinner)
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  • Albert Bandura theorized what method? Is this behavioral or social in theory?
    Social > Modeling and Observational Learning (Bandura)
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  • Meichenbaum theorized what method? Is this behavioral or social in theory?
    Social > Model of Self-Regulated Learning (Meichenbaum)
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  • Using task completion forms are not effective for self-regulated learning. (True / False)
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  • Classical Conditioning theorists dismiss that neutral stimuli can acquire the capacity to evoke behavioral responses through their association with unconditioned stimuli that trigger reflexes. (True / False)
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  • Shaping is a fantastic way to get into physical shape. (True / False)
    True; Shaping “is the teaching of a new skill or behavior by means of reinforcement for small steps toward the desired goal”
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  • Self-regulation hypothesizes that people observe their own behavior, judge it against their own standards, and reinforce or punish themselves. (True / False)
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  • Social behavioral theories may be better than behavioral theories as they involve more than observable behavior. (True / False)
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  • Operant Conditioning theorists suggest using ____________ and ____________ to shape behavior.
    Operant Conditioning theorist reinforces and punishes shape behavior
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  • In operant conditioning, using praise to reinforce a student for desired behavior is an example of _____________________.
    Positive reinforcement
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  • A ____________ reinforcer that is given ____________ generally has a much ______________ effect than does a ________________ reinforcer given later.
    A smaller reinforcer that is given immediately generally has a much larger effect than does a large reinforcer given later
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  • Social learning theories provide context to why quitting addictions can be difficult. The ________ but _____________ reinforcement of just one cigarette (or donut) often overcomes the behavioral effect of the _______ but delayed reinforcers
    The small but immediate reinforcement of just one cigarette (or donut) often overcomes the behavioral effect of the large but delayed reinforcers.
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  • Explain how social learning theories can impact classroom practice.
    Social learning theory emphasizes observing and modeling behavior. Practices like cooperative learning, peer tutoring, and group projects align with this theory
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  • How can teachers promote self-regulated learning in the classroom?
    Teachers can encourage goal-setting, self-monitoring, and reflection. They can use task completion forms given to students and teach/encourage ways of self-rein
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