Game Preview

Review Unit 17

  •  English    16     Public
    Let's review the unit!
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  • If you feel that your team isn't ___________, we've got the solution! (synonym of Collaborate)
    Pulling together/ Cooperating
  •  15
  • True or False? A synonym for Bond is Connect
  •  15
  • T or F? SALES REPS refers to a group of individuals who sell a company’s offering to customers.
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  • To settle a product, is that correct?
    No, to settle a conflict
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  • Name three benefits of Teamwork
    Fosters creativity and learning, improves decision making skills, problem-solving skills, company culture, productivity, conflict resolution...
  •  15
  • Name 3 team building activities
    Bushcraft, escape room, treasure hunt....
  •  15
  • Come up with... is a phrasal verb / idiom / collocation?
    Phrasal verb
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  • What are three advantages of teamwork?
    exchange of ideas, it increases motivation, bond as a team, improves team spirit, problem-solving....
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  • What are three disadvantages of teamwork?
    Leadership, team discussions, demotivating, a lot of meetings, stressed, doesn't suit everyone...
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  • To get away from is a synonym for cooperate, T or F?
    False. A synonym could be: escape/run away
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  • T or F? SALES TEAM refers to a group of individuals who sell a company’s offering to customers.
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  • What is a phrasal verb?
    It is a combination of a verb and one or more particles (prepositions or adverbs) that have a specific meaning
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  • What is the meaning of TACKLE? (E.g., tackle new challenges)
    To make an effort to deal with sometihng: to deal/cope with (afrontar, lidiar con)
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  • What is the meaning of this collocation? “give someone credit for something/doing something”
    To say that someone deserves praise, approval, or honour for something they have done
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  • Personal accountability is very important in teamwork. T or F?
  •  15
  • Can you say a synonym for SCHEME?
    strategy, plan, system
  •  15