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Body systems

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    Body systems
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  • Skeletal System
    The body framework consisting of bones and cartilage, providing support and protection for the body and facilitating movement.
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  • Integumentary System
    The body system consisting of the skin, hair, nails, and associated glands, responsible for protection, regulation of body temperature, and sensation.
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  • Neuron
    Specialized cells of the nervous system that transmit electrical signals, consisting of a cell body, dendrites, and an axon.
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  • Endocrine System
    The body system composed of glands that produce and secrete hormones, chemical messengers that regulate various physiological processes in the body.
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  • Urinary System
    The body system responsible for filtering waste products from the blood and producing urine, consisting of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra.
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  • Reproductive System
    The body system responsible for reproduction and the production of offspring, consisting of male and female reproductive organs.
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  • Red Blood Cells
    Blood cells responsible for carrying oxygen from the lungs to the body's tissues and carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs.
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  • Voluntary Muscles
    Muscles under conscious control, responsible for intentional movements.
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  • Involuntary Muscles
    Muscles not under conscious control, responsible for involuntary actions such as digestion and heartbeat.
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  • Hormones
    Chemical messengers produced by the endocrine glands that regulate various physiological processes in the body.
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  • White blood cells
    Responsible for the body's immune response, including the production of antibodies and the destruction of pathogens.
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  • Epidermis
    The outermost layer of the skin, providing protection against environmental factors and regulating water loss.
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  • Dermis
    The middle layer of the skin, containing blood vessels, nerves, hair follicles, and sweat glands.
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  • Hair Follicles
    Structures within the dermis that produce hair, which serves various functions such as protection and sensory perception.
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  • Sweat Glands
    Glands located in the dermis that produce sweat, helping regulate body temperature and excrete waste products.
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  • Sebaceous Glands
    Glands located in the dermis that secrete sebum, an oily substance that lubricates and waterproofs the skin and hair.
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