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Drawing Conclusions #2

  •  English    32     Public
    Use information from the story to help you draw conclusions
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  • Abby looked around in the dim light. Everything was covered in dust. It took awhile, but she finally found the box labeled "old photos." She carried the box downstairs and looked forward to going through it. Where did Abby find the photos?
    in her bedroom
    in the basement
    in the garage
    in the attic
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  • "Here kitty, kitty" called Lauren softly. The cat meowed, but refused to come closer. Lauren grabbed onto a sturdy branch to climb a little closer. Where is Lauren?
    in her house
    on her roof
    at a park
    in a tree
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  • "Eve! Eve!" called Mrs. Woolam over and over. Other shoppers looked concerned and started looking for the lost child. Then a young woman came around the corner holding Eve's hand. "I found her in the candy aisle," she said. Where are they?
    at a festival
    at a bookstore
    at a supermarket
    at a candy factory
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  • Mark excitedly tore off the wrapping paper off the box. Instead of the Pokemon cards he had been hoping for, he saw that the lid was from a department store. He took off the lid and found a brown sweater inside. How is Mark feeling?
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  • As the final notes played, Susan glided gracefully to a stop and posed with her arm above her head. The crowd erupted in cheers. Susan collected the flowers that peopled thrown onto the ice for her. What is Susan?
    a musician
    a dancer
    a figure skater
    a gymnast
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  • It is a bright, sunny day. Henry is wearing a new shirt. His new backpack is full of the school supplies that his mother bought just last week. He is feeling excited and a little nervous. What day is it?
    Henry's birthday.
    The last day of school.
    The first day of school.
    The day of a big school assembly.
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  • Brian put on the shirt and left the small room to show his mother. "Too big," she said and handed him another shirt to try on. Brian sighed as he started to pull the shirt over his head. Where are they?
    at a toy store
    at a clothes store
    at a supermarket
    at home
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  • Leah threw the flat stone towards the lake. "One, two, three, four, five!," she called to her dad. "That's a new record for me!" Then she went in search of more flat stones. What is Leah doing?
    making big splashes
    making cannonballs
    collecting rocks
    skipping rocks
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  • It was silent reading time. Solomon was reading an exciting book about a dragon. Solomon didn't hear the teacher when she said that silent reading time was over. Why didn't Solomon hear the teacher?
    He was deaf.
    He was absorbed in his book.
    He had an ear infection.
    She spoke quietly since it was silent reading time.
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  • Gideon stood on the front steps searching through his pockets. He tried opening the door, but it was locked just like he knew it would be. His mom wouldn't be home for another hour. Gideon sighed and sat down. What was Gideon looking for?
    a pen
    his cell phone
    his mom
    his house key
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  • Jenna and Tina always eat lunch together. Today, Jenna took her lunch to a different table. When Tina went to ask her why, Jenna refused to talk to her. Why isn't Jenna eating lunch with Tina?
    She's not that hungry today.
    She's angry at herself.
    She's angry at Tina.
    She's shy.
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  • Carly was so tired when she got home from work. There had been more customers than usual and the new cook had messed up several of her orders. She took off her uniform and relaxed in a hot bath. What is Carly?
    a dishwasher
    a waitress
    a lunchroom clerk
    a cook
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  • Kelly is waiting in line with her class. She is near the end because she is shorter than most of her classmates. Her mother put her hair back in a special way and she is wearing one of her nicest outfits. What is Kelly waiting in line for?
    to see the nurse
    school pictures
    a field trip
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  • Levi waded into the water. He saw a pretty shell under the water and bent down to pick it up. Suddenly, a big wave came and pushed him over! It was a little scary, but at least he got the shell! Where is Levi?
    in a pool
    in a lake
    in a hot tub
    in the ocean
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  • When Stephen arrived at the Hopkins' house, Mrs. Hopkins led him right to the kitchen sink. Stephen opened his toolbox and went to work. "It won't leak anymore," he told Mrs. Hopkins when he was done. What is Stephen?
    a mechanic
    a plumber
    a repairman
    a carpenter
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  • Ashley looks at the clock again. Still five more minutes! She is not sure she will make it. The seconds tick by. Finally, the bell rings! As her classmates head out the door for recess, Ashley sprints down the hall. Where is Ashley going?
    to the bathroom
    to her next class
    to the office
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