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English Camp Review #2

  •  English    42     Public
    This is the 2nd Fall 2020 English camp review that has a bit of random trivia sprinkled in.
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  • Unscramble [언스크램블]: nreyGam
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  • What country's flag is this? 이것은 어느 나라의 국기입니까?
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  • Unscramble [언스크램블]: haGna
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  • Trivia: Name 5 colors. 트리비아: 5가지 색상을 말해보세요.
    Black, white, yellow, pink, blue, green, orange, purple, sky, red, gray, violet, brown, etc
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  • Trivia: Name 3 days of the week. 트리비아: 일주일 중 3일을 말씀하세요.
    Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday.
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  • What is the currency of Greece? 그리스의 통화는 얼마입니까?
    The Euro (€)
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  • What color is the flag of Greece? 그리스의 국기는 무슨 색입니까?
    Blue and White
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  • What is the capital of Egypt? 이집트의 수도는 어디입니까?
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  • What is Germany's national food? 독일의 국가 음식은 무엇입니까?
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  • What is Germany's national animal? 독일의 국가 동물은 무엇인가요?
    Eagle or Black Eagle
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  • What is the capital of Germany? 독일의 수도는 어디입니까?
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  • What language is spoken in Egypt? 이집트에서는 어떤 언어를 사용합니까?
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  • Where is the teacher from? 제가 어디서 왔죠?
    America, North America, USA, or Georgia
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  • How many continents are in the world? 세계에는 몇 개의 대륙이 있나요?
    Seven (7)
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  • Name 3 things you find in the Ocean. 바다에서 발견되는 3가지를 말해보세요.
    Shark, Turtle, Jellyfish, Aquaman, Dolphin, Fish, Whale, etc.
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  • What is the Canadian Currency called? 캐나다 화폐의 이름은 무엇입니까?
    Canadian Dollar or CAD
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