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Barkus - Book Review

  •  English    12     Public
    Entire book - comprehension
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Who gave Barkus to Nikki as a gift? (Mom or Dad or Uncle Overton)
    Uncle Overton
  •  10
  • Tell 1 thing Barkus did in the story that shows us that he's SMART.
    He does tricks; cares for the kitten; follows directions
  •  15
  • Barkus snuck out of school and followed NIkki to ____. (the bakery or school or the playground)
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  • On Barkus's birthday, Uncle Overton sent him a ___. (bone or dog bed or collar)
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  • Barkus wanted a "noisy" party for his birthday. He got his wish when something happened. What was it?
    His dog friends came over and were barking.
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  • Barkus found a baby ____. (dog or mouse or kitten)
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  • Why did the woman let NIkki keep the kitten even though it belonged to her? (She didn't like kittens. OR She had 4 more kittens at home to find homes for.)
    She had 4 more kittens at home to find homes for.
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  • What did Barkus want to name the kitten?
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  • Where did Nikki sleep in the last chapter?
    in a tent in her backyard
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  • Who camped in the backyard with Nikki?
    Barkus and Baby
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  • What bedtime story did Nikki tell Barkus and Baby at the end of the book?
    The story of when Barkus found Baby
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  • Why do you think Nikki was not afraid of the dark at the end of the book?
    She felt loved being with Barkus and Baby.
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