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Fourth Grade Rats (ch 1-3 Review)

  •  English    11     Public
    comprehension review
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Who are the 2 main characters in this book?
    Suds & Joey
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  • What grade are the boys in now? According to the rhyme, this makes them ____.
    4th Grade - Rats
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  • Why does Suds still want to be in 3rd grade?
    He liked being good and being called an angel.
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  • Why has Joey been waiting all his life to be in the 4th grade?
    He wanted to be a "rat" - to act like a bully
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  • According to Joey, why can't Suds cry or be scared of spiders?
    He's a "rat" now and rats don't do that.
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  • Joey made fun of Suds's lunch box because...
    it had elephants on it and it's been the same one since he was in 1st grade
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  • What does Joey mean when he says Suds needs to take care of "Number 1"?
    Suds needs to take care of HIMSELF. He's #1 in his own world, just how Joey is #1 in Joey's world.
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  • How did Joey feel about kicking the kids off the swings?
    Proud of himself
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  • How did Suds feel about kicking the kids off the swings?
    Bad, sad
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  • Who was Suds's teacher in 3rd grade? How does he feel about her?
    Miss Simms and he likes her as a teacher
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  • Who does Suds have a crush on? How does she treat him?
    Judy Billings - She ignores him.
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