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Andre's General Knowledge Quiz - Passive voice

  •  English    38     Public
    Students put the question or sentence into passive voice and then give you their answers for extra points
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  • ______ America _____ (discover) by Hernan Cortes?
    No, it was discovered by Christopher Columbus.
  •  5
  • Champagne ____ first ____ (make), where?
    It/Champagne was first made in Montreal, Canada.
    It/Champagne was first made in Berlin, Germany.
    It/Champagne was first made in France.
    It/Champagne was first made in Upstate New York.
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  • The law of Gravity ____ ____ (develope) by which scientist?
    It was developed by Nikola Tesla.
    It was developed by Albert Einstein.
    It was developed by Sandra Bullock.
    It was developed by Isaac Newton.
  •  10
  • The "Moonwalk" ____ ____ (do) by who?
    Buzz Aldrin
    Neil Armstrong
    Louis Armstrong
    Micheal Jackson
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  • The first ever battery ____ ____ (invent) in what country?
    It was invented in the US.
    It was invented in Italy.
    It was invented in South Korea.
    It was invented in Japan.
  •  15
  • The "Calling of Saint Matthew" ____ ____ (paint) by who?
    It was painted by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio.
    It was painted by Diego Velázquez.
    It was painted by Francisco Goya.
    It was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci.
  •  15
  • _____ electricity _____ (discover) by whom?
    It was discovered by Thomas Edison
    Alexander Hamilton
    It was discovered by Frank Sinatra
    It was discovered by Benjamin Franklin
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  • The universe _____ _____ (create) by an event called, what?
    The universe was created... the "Big God"
    The universe was created... the "Big Bang"
    The universe was created... the "Big Clap"
    The universe was created... the "Bing Bong"
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  • _____ the mojito cocktail ____ ____ (invent) in Mexico?
    No, it was invented in Cuba
    No, it was invented in Columbia
    No, it was invented in Costa Rica
    No, it was invented in Dominican Republic
  •  15
  • An Oscar award ____ ____ (give) to Billie Eilish for which song?
    I'm Just Ken
    Ocean Eyes
    Bad Guy
    No Time To Die
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  • How many stars and stripes ______  ______ (represent) in the flag of the USA?
    12 bars & 52 stars
    13 bars & 50 stars
    12 bars & 50 stars
    13 bars & 52 stars
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  • When ______ the American continent ________ (discover)?
    It was discovered in 1572
    It was discovered in 1582
    It was discovered in 1602
    It was discovered in 1492
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  • The famous 1986 "Hand of God" goal by Diego Maradona _____ _____ (score) against which
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  • When ______ the Eiffel Tower ______ (build)?
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  • In what year ______ the Olympic Games ______ (hold) in Barcelona?
    The Olympic Games were held in 1992
    The Olympic Games were held in 2000
    The Olympic Games were held in 1995
    The Olympic Games were held in 1990
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  • The colored television _____ ______ (invent) by who?
    Yes, it was invented by Manuel Jalón Corominas
    Yes, it was invented by Guillermo González
    Yes, it was invented by Luis Miramontes
    Yes, it was invented by Juan de la Cierva
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