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Bribery & Surah Zilzaal

  •  English    18     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • If one presents a bribe in the form of a “gift” it can be accepted. TRUE OR FALSE?
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  • The one who assists (helps) arranging the bribe is also included in the sin because .....
    ...he is supporting in the opression & corruption rather than stopping them from doing so.
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  • The hadith in which Prophet (s) curses the people indluged in bribe teaches us to be _______ even if the only way we can get something is by bribing.
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  • What harm is possible if a judge is given a bribe?
    He might judge in favour of the one who bribed him. The poor will be denied his legitimate rights. Criminals will be encouraged to use money to be free.
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  • If a teacher resigns or is leaving, he or she may accept gifts of appreciation from the students. True or False?
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  • Bribery is a form of oppression (zulm) because:
    It gives some people the rights of others.
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  • When bribery becomes common in society....
    it favours the rich over the poor.
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  • We are informed in Surah Zilzaal that on DOJ we will be moving in scattered groups. On what basis will this group be made?
    These groups will be based on A'MAL
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  • What are the burdens of the earth that will be thrown out?
    1. The bodies of human beings. 2. All deeds of people
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  • Why will people say, "What is wrong with it (the earth)?"
    People will say this out of shock and terror
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  • The earth will report its news. What are these reports & how will it inform about these?
    WHAT? These reports include all the acts the earth has witnessed humans do. HOW --> Allah will give the earth the ability to speak.
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  • How can you encourage someone to do more good using the hopeful promise given in aayah 7.
    1. INTRO : What does the ayah say? 2. BODY- Explain which good deeds (forgotten, belittled ones). 3. CONCLUDE: Allah's mercy- He considers efforts & intentions
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  • Name some other creations of the earth that will be made to speak.
    Hellfire, our own bodies, our family members
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  • One of the lessons of Surah Zilzaal, particularly from aayah 7 is the reminder to appreciate ___________
    even the most smallest good that we find others doing, because Our Rabb does the same.
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  • Allah appreciates the most insignificant of our good acts for even the worst of us. This reminds us of His attribute of ______
    Ash Shakoor. We need not worry about our good that goes unnoticed because Ash-Shakoor appreciates even when no one else does.
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  • Even if people get away after doing wrong here, Allah will make everyone see the most insignificant of their bad acts against someone. This reminds us of His attribute of ___________
    Being Just (Al-A'dl). People whose wrong acts were unnoticed or left unpunished, will get to see those acts recorded.
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