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China Water Management

  •  English    19     Public
    Sustainable Water Managment
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • 2/3 of how many cities in China have water shortages?
  •  5
  • What part of Agriculture pollutes rivers?
  •  5
  • Rapid economic growth in China was due to?
  •  5
  • What % of Chinese rivers are polluted?
  •  5
  • What percentage of Chinese Lakes suffer from eutrophication
  •  5
  • Name a city on the east side of China
  •  5
  • How much did the South-North Water Transfer Scheme cost?
  •  5
  • How much water was the scheme going to bring from the South to the North?
    45bil cubic metres
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  • What ended up being wrong with the water from the South?
    Polluted from industry and agriculture
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  • What was the issue with the Southern water being polluted?
    Lots of energy to transfer and clean-expensive
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  • How many People had to relocate for the South to Nothern Water Scheme?
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  • How much of China's water is used for irrigation in Agriculture?
  •  5
  • What is the benefits of lining irrigation channels?
    Reduces Evapotranspiration
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  • What is mixed into the soil to help retain soil moisture?
  •  5
  • What type of crops do they use?
    Drought resistant
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  • What are used to save water in rice fields?
    Soil monitors
  •  5