Game Preview

Adam and Eve

  •  English    12     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • In the Bible, which book and chapter is the story of "Human Disobedience" from?
    Genesis 3
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  • What was the most cunning animal that the Lord God had made?
    the snake
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  • Eve said God told them not to eat the fruit of that tree or even touch it; if they did, what would happen?
    They would die.
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  • Who was the first one who ate the fruit on the forbidden tree?
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  • As soon as they had eaten the fruit, they were given ______________ and realized that they were naked.
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  • After they realised they were naked, they sewed ______ ______ together and covered themselves.
    fig leaves
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  • How did God punish the snake? (Hint: 2 punishments)
    From now on the snake will crawl on its belly, and it will have to eat **** as long as it live.
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  • And God said to the woman, “I will increase your trouble in___________ and your _______ in giving birth. In spite of this, you will still have ________ for your husband, yet you will be subject to him.”
    pregnancy; pain; desire
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  • God said to the man, “ You will have to _____ _____ all your life to make it produce enough food for you. You were made from ____, and you will become ____ again.”
    work hard; soil
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  • Why did Adam name his wife Eve?
    because she was the mother of all human beings.
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  • So the Lord God sent them out of the _________ ___ _________ and made them cultivate the soil from which they had been formed.
    Garden of Eden
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  • What did God put at the east side of the garden? (Hint: 2 things)
    He put living creatures and a flaming sword which turned in all directions.
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