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Bible Quiz March 10 2024

  •  English    30     Public
    For sunday
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • 1) In Ezekiel 22, what metaphor does God use to describe the people of Jerusalem?
    Raging river
    Sturdy oak tree
    Fiery furnace
    Flock of sheep
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  • 2) According to Ezekiel 23, what were the names of the two sisters who committed harlotry and represented Samaria and Jerusalem?
    Miriam and Deborah
    Oholah and Oholibah
    Leah and Rachel
    Hagar and Sarah
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  • 3) In Ezekiel 24, what symbolic action did God instruct Ezekiel to perform to convey a message to the people?
    Planting a vineyard
    Tying knots
    Baking bread
    Building a wall
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  • 4) In Ezekiel 22, what sins are highlighted as prevalent among the people of Jerusalem?
    Oppression of the poor and shedding of innocent blood
    Adultery and theft
    Idolatry and sorcery
    Blasphemy and deceit
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  • 5) According to Ezekiel 23, what judgment did God pronounce upon Oholah and Oholibah for their harlotry and idolatry?
    Eternal life and glory
    Captivity and destruction
    Prosperity and wealth
    Healing and restoration
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  • 6) In Ezekiel 24, what tragic event occurs in Ezekiel's life as a sign from God?
    Loss of his sight
    Exile to Babylon
    Destruction of his home
    Death of his wife
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  • 7) In Ezekiel 22, what is the symbolic purpose of the refiner's fire?
    Testing the faith of the people
    Igniting the altar for sacrifices
    Destruction of the wicked
    Purification of the righteous
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  • 8) According to Ezekiel 23, what were the names of the foreign nations that represented the lovers of Oholah and Oholibah?
    Edom and Moab
    Babylon and Persia
    Egypt and Assyria
    Samaria and Jerusalem
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  • 9) In Ezekiel 24, what did God use as a metaphor for the grief and mourning that Ezekiel was not allowed to express openly?
    A covered pot
    A silent trumpet
    A sealed book
    A closed door
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  • 10) What significant event takes place in Ezekiel 24 that marks a turning point in the prophet's ministry?
    The birth of Ezekiel's son
    The fall of Jerusalem
    The death of Ezekiel's wife
    The return of the exiles
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  • 11) In Luke 5, what did Jesus ask Peter, James, and John to do that led to a miraculous event?
    Pray for a storm to calm
    Anoint the sick with oil
    Cast their nets into the sea
    Climb a mountain for prayer
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  • 12) What controversy arose in Luke 6 regarding Jesus and his disciples?
    Disregarding temple rituals
    Healing on the Sabbath
    Eating with tax collectors and sinners
    Associating with Gentiles
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  • 13) In Luke 7, who sends messengers to inquire if Jesus is the Expected One or if they should wait for another?
    John the Baptist
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  • 14) What did a sinful woman do for Jesus in Luke 7 that led to forgiveness of her sins?
    Gave him money
    Anointed his feet with perfume
    Preached a sermon
    Washed his feet with tears
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  • 15) In Luke 8, what does Jesus use as a metaphor for the Word of God?
    A seed
    A mirror
    A sword
    A lamp
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  • 16) Who touches the hem of Jesus' garment and is healed in Luke 8?
    Jairus' daughter
    The woman with a flow of blood
    Mary Magdalene
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