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Overcoming Negativity

  •  English    14     Public
    Changing Negative Thinking to Positive
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What is the definition of negativity bias?
    A human tendency to focus on negative thoughts, feelings, and events more than positive ones.
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  • Why do you think people have negative bias?
    They struggle to see and focus on the positive.
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  • True or False- Catastrophizing is one of the 5 C's of Negativity Bias
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  • Why does complaining cause negative thinking?
    Repeated complaining rewires your brain to make future complaining more likely. Over time, you find it's easier to be negative rather than to be positive
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  • Give an example of commiserating.
    Answers vary
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  • How do you practice gratitude?
    Answers vary
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  • How can gratitude help you overcome negative thinking?
    It can help you cultivate a more optimistic and resilient mindset, and improve your well-being.
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  • How can you be compassionate to your classmates?
    Response will vary
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  • What does it mean to flip a switch?
    Asking yourself how do I turn this into a positive or focus on something good
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  • Flip a switch...."I hate school."
    Answers will vary
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  • Flip a switch..."I can't do this homework. It's too hard."
    Answers will vary
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  • Name 5 positive things about school
    Answers will vary
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  • How can concern cause negativity bias?
    You are continuing to talk about the negative and not focusing on the positive.
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  • Share something you feel positive about this morning/afternoon.
    Answers will vary
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