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World War II Review

  •  English    25     Public
    World War II from 1933-1945
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What three countries were a part of the Axis powers?
    Japan, Germany, Italy
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  • What three countries were a part of the Allied powers?
    United States of America, Great Britain, Soviet Russia
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  • Who was Germany's leader during World War II?
    Adolf Hitler
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  • Who was Japan's leader during World War II?
    Hideki Tojo
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  • Who was the United States of America's leader during World War II?
    Franklin Delano Roosevelt
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  • Who was Great Britain's leader during World War II?
    Winston Churchill
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  • Who was Italy's leader during World War II?
    Benito Mussolini
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  • Who was Soviet Russia's leader during World War II?
    Joseph Stalin
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  • What was the Holocaust?
    murder of 6 million Jewish people by Adolf Hitler
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  • What did the Nazis believe?
    German pride and anti-Semitism
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  • What is anti-Semitism?
    Aggressive behavior or hate towards Jews simply because they are Jewish
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  • What country dropped two atomic bombs on Japan?
    United States of America
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  • What country tried to invade Soviet Russia in the Battle of Stalingrad
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  • Why did Germany bomb London during the London Blitz?
    They tried to win control of the skies
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  • What was the island hopping campaign?
    Japan tried to win control of the islands so they could invade the U.S. by land
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  • What battle took place because the U.S. wanted control of an airbase?
    Battle of Guadalcanal
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