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G5 - Taqwa + Salaah + Janazah Salaah

  •  English    15     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Janazah salaah is a prayer for Allah to the dead person. TRUE OR FALSE?
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  • Which category of fardh does Janazah salaah fall under?
    Fardh kifaayah
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  • What is Fardh kifaayah?
    Fardh kifaayah is a COLLECTIVE OBLIGATION a) If no one does it. THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY is responsible b) If a few perform it all are absolved of this duty
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  • A believer's life is divided into 2 major areas. What are they?
    a) I'baadah - our relationship with Allah b) Mu'aamlaat - Our relation with people
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  • Define what Taqwa means in the life of a believer.
    1) To be aware of Allah at all times 2) A state of inner consciousness that drives us to do good and stops from bad, for Allah's pleasure
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  • In Islam, the basis of superiority is Taqwa so we can easily judge people based on their Taqwa. DO you agree? Give reason for your answer.
    I don't agree. The Prophet (s) pointed at his chest & repeated thrice : "Taqwa is in here." This tells us that Taqwa is a matter of the heart. Only Allah knows
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  • Why is Taqwa important in our mu'aamlaat?
    Taqwa stops us from treating people wrongly as it reminds that we are answerable to Allah. b) Taqwa encourages us to uphold values like honesty, care, fairness
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  • Taqwa can be physically measured - TRUE OR FALSE?
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  • State any 2 reasons why salaah is important in a believer's life;
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  • The Muslim must say ___________ to move from one act to the next when performing Salaah.
    Allahu Akbar
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  • Sit on your _______ leg when saying tashahhud.
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  • Give the meaning of the following adhkaar: سُبْحَانَ رَبِّي الأعْلَى
    Perfect is Allah, the Most High
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  • Give the meaning of the following adhkaar: سَمِعَ اللهُ لِمَنْ حَمِدَهُ
    Allah has heard the one who praised Him
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  • Give the meaning of the following adhkaar: سُبْحَانَ رَبِّي الْعَظِيْم
    Perfect is Allah, the Most Great
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  • Rabbana wa lakal hamd
    Our Lord, for you is all praise
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