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ServSafe Review

  •  English    20     Public
    Section 1
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What three types of hazards make food unsafe?
    Biological, Chemical, and Physical
  •  20
  • What are some examples of pathogens?
    bacteria, virus, parasite, fungi
  •  25
  • Can chemicals in your operation contaminate food?
  •  15
  • What is an example of a natural physical hazard in food?
    fish bones, fruit pits
  •  20
  • What is an example of a non-natural physical hazard in food?
    hair, glass, bandage, jewelry
  •  10
  • What are the four ways people make food unsafe?
    poor personal hygiene, cross-contamination, time/temperature abuse, poor cleaning/sanatizing
  •  15
  • What is an example of poor personal hygiene making food unsafe?
    sneezing on food, not washing hands...
  •  15
  • What is cross-contamination?
    transferring pathogens from food to food or surfaces
  •  15
  • What is time-temperature abuse?
    letting food stay too long at temperatures that allow pathogen growth
  •  20
  • What is an example of poor cleaning and sanatizing?
    answer will vary; food particles still on a plate after washing
  •  15
  • Why is food safety important?
    it keeps people safe
  •  20
  • What is a foodborne illness?
    a disease that is transmitted to people through food
  •  15
  • Leaving frozen fish to thaw on the counter over night is an example of...
    time-temperature abuse
  •  15
  • Using the same knife to cut pork and then vegetables right after is an example of ....
  •  15
  • Not washing your hands after going to the bathroom is an example of....
    poor personal hygiene
  •  15
  • Not rinsing a cutting board thoroughly after washing is an example of...
    poor cleaning and sanitizing
  •  15