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Lent & Holy Week

  •  English    20     Public
    Lent & Holy Week
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Lent begins on ____________.
    Ash Wednesday
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  • How long does Lent last?
    40 days
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  • During Lent, we prepare to live more faithfully the __________.
    Paschal Mystery
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  • What is the Pascal Mystery?
    Christ's death and resurrection
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  • During Lent, which three things do we focus on?
    praying, fasting, almsgiving
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  • What is doing good for others, like gifts of money or service?
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  • What is the color of Lent?
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  • Purple is a sign of _________.
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  • When does Holy Week begin?
    Palm Sunday
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  • What happened on Palm Sunday?
    Jesus rode into Jerusalem, as people waved palms and called him king.
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  • Why do we call the week before Easter "Holy Week"?
    It is a time for more focused preparation for Easter.
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  • During Holy Week, we celebrate the Easter ________.
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  • Triduum means "_________"
    three days
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  • What day of Holy Week did these events happen: The Last Supper, Jesus washed the feet of his apostles, Jesus prayed in the Garden, Judas betrayed Jesus.
    Holy Thursday
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  • What day of Holy Week did these events happen: Jesus is sentenced to death and made to carry his cross. On the cross, he forgives a thief and all those who sin. Jesus died at 3:00pm
    Good Friday
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  • What day of Holy Week did these events happen: The soldiers guarded Jesus' tomb, the Easter Vigil is celebrated on this night
    Holy Saturday
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