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Syrians Attempt to Capture Elisha

  •  English    21     Public
    2 Kings 6:8-23
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Who sent an army to fight against Israel?
    The Syrian King
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  • What happened every time the Syrian army tried to attack?
    The Israelite army was not found/moved
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  • Why did the King of Syria send a huge army to capture Elisha?
    He was warning the King of Isreal
    He's traitor
    He's spy
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  • In what town was Elisha living when the army surrounded him?
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  • How did Elisha's servant react when the Syrian army surrounded Elisha's home?
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  • When the servant became afraid, what did Elisha ask God to let the servant see to comfort him?
    The army of elephants and soldiers of iron
    The army of lions and fighters of wind
    The horses and the chariots of fire (ANGELS)
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  • Where else does the Bible speak of horses and chariots of fire?
    2 Kings 2:11, when Elijah was carried into heaven
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  • What happened to the eyes of the Syrian army when Elisha prayed?
    They were healed of their blindness
    They were struck with blindness.
    They were struck with deafness
    They were given superhuman vision
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  • After Elisha led the blind army into Samaria, what did he tell King Jehoram to do in stead of killing them?
    To prepare a great feast and feed them all
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  • What happened after the Syrians ate and drank until they were full?
    They returned to their homeland.
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  • What did Elisha do when he found where the ax fell?
    He threw a stick into the water
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  • What was the problem that the sons of the prophets encountered?
    They wanted to build a larger place for all the prophets
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  • Where were the sons of the prophets cutting down trees?
    In the desert
    By the Jordan River
    By the Dead Sea
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  • What did one of the men cry out when his ax head fell into the water?
    Oops, I dropped it!
    Oh no, my GOD! It was borrowed!
    “Alas, master! For it was borrowed.”
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  • What did one of the sons of the prophets lose while cutting down a tree?
    Iron axe head
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  • What did Elisha say to the man after the ax head was recovered?
    He said, 'I will keep it for myself.'
    He said, 'Take it up for yourself.'
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