Game Preview


  •  English    15     Public
    The goal of this activity is to allow the students review what they have learned and answer the questions that pops up on the screen. The highest number of strikes wins the game!
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • How does propaganda tries to change what people think?
    Propaganda attempts to influence what people think by presenting information in a way that supports a particular viewpoint or agenda
  •  15
  • Give at least three (3) propaganda techniques that are most interesting to you.
    Card Stacking, Name calling, Plain folks, Glittering generalities, soft copy, bandwagon, testimonial, transfer, simplification, and loaded words
  •  15
  • Provide at least one (1) example among the ten propaganda techniques discussed.
    (Answer may vary)
  •  15
  • How does propaganda use things like TV and social media to make people believe certain ideas?
    It is to reach a wide audience and disseminate information strategically, influencing public opinion.
  •  15
  • what will you do if you are presented with a product with a buy 1 take 1 promo at a very cheap price?
    Consider if you truly need two, and if the deal is worth it based on the product's value.
  •  15
  • This propaganda technique uses a language that carries strong emotional appeal that triggers a specific reaction or response.
    Loaded words
  •  5
  • This is a technique that persuades people by showing them that everyone else are doing the same thing.
  •  5
  • It uses flattery compliments designed to get the audience on the side of the speaker.
    Soft Soap
  •  5
  • It links a person or idea to a negative connotation.
    Name calling
  •  5
  • It shows the product's best features, tells half-truths, and omits its potential problems. What propaganda technique am I?
    Card Stacking
  •  5
  • How has your knowledge of propaganda techniques influenced your decision-making in supporting ideas, buying products, and availing services?
    Knowing propaganda techniques helps people make smarter decisions in supporting ideas, buying products, and availing services by recognizing manipulative tactic
  •  25
  • In what ways do the transfer and testimonial techniques enhance the credibility of a message or product?
    TRANSFER - association to someone of an authoritative or respectful figure. TESTIMONIAL - famous or expect association
  •  15
  • It is a propaganda technique that intends to reduce the critical issue into simple one by using a catchy expression to persuade uninformed listeners.
  •  5
  • What do you think is the relation of biases to propagandas?
    Biases and propaganda are related because propaganda uses biases to influence people's opinions and actions.
  •  15
  • This propaganda technique usually use common people to sell or to promote a product or service.
    Plain Folks
  •  5