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Middle East Unit 2 (History) Review

  •  English    26     Public
    European partitioning, creation of Israel, land/religious conflicts, US presence in SW Asia
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  • Which country ruled over Palestine after World War I?
    Great Britain
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  • Which two groups are involved in conflicts over land in Israel?
    Arabs (Palestinians) and Jews (Israelis)
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  • What is antisemitism?
    prejudice/hatred of the Jews
  •  15
  • What is Zionism?
    The movement of Jews to return to their homeland
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  • Israel was created on May 14th of what year?
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  • Antisemitism spread throughout Europe after the rise of which political party?
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  • The systematic, state-supported killing of approximately 11 million people (including at least 6 million Jews) is known as ________________.
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  • How did the Palestinian Arabs feel about the creation of Israel?
    mad,angry,upset, depressed, resentful
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  • How did the Jews feel about the creation of Israel?
    happy, relieved, excited, thankful
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  • What was Southwest Asia called prior to World War I?
    The Ottoman Empire
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  • After WWI, which European country gained the better countries in the Middle East?
    Great Britain
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  • What does the word partition mean?
    divide, seperate
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  • Which two religious groups are continually fighting for power in several Middle Eastern countries like Iraq and Syria?
    Sunni and Shia Muslims
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  • Which Arab countries were consulted in partitioning the Ottoman Empire after World War I?
    None of them
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  • Which country invaded Kuwait in 1990 in order to take control of Kuwait's oil fields?
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  • The Taliban was suspected of aiding the terrorist group, al-Qaeda, and harboring the Wanted fugitive, Osama bin Laden, in which country?
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