Game Preview

Deciduous Woodland Goods, Services, Threats

  •  English    15     Public
    Goods, Services, Threats
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • A form of biomass in the UK
    Wood Pellets
  •  5
  • What does SSSI stand for?
    Sites of special scientific interest
  •  5
  • Name one Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFP)
    Venison, Fungi, pheasants
  •  5
  • 15 million visitors a year visit which park?
    New Forest National Park
  •  5
  • What are beach trees vulnerable to?
  •  5
  • Seed Germination is triggered by cold or warm temperatures?
  •  5
  • Planting the non native Sitka Spruce results in....
  •  5
  • What percentage was forests reduced to after WW1?
  •  5
  • Why do they plant coniferous soft wood species?
    Grows quicker
  •  5
  • How many cars are in the UK?
    33+ Million
  •  5
  • How many homes does the UK need?
  •  5
  • Building new homes will encroach on the...
    Green Belt
  •  5
  • Name 2 chemicals used in agriculture that can affect species
    Pesticides & herbicides
  •  10
  • How does a Evergreen canopy result in Less undergrowth?
    Less sunlight
  •  5
  • How much ANCIENT woodland is left in the UK?
  •  10