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  •  English    17     Public
    Adv 2 Uses of Would
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  • "When I was a kid, I would ride my bike everywhere."
    express an opinion
    to express willingness
    polite request
    past habits
  •  15
  • "Would you help me with these bags, please?"
    typical, expected behavior
    reported speech
    polite request
    hypothetical situations
  •  15
  • "I would think he'd wear something nicer to a wedding!"
    to report speech
    to talk about a hypothetical situation
    to express judgement / an opinion
    typical / expected behavior
  •  15
  • He promised I would get the job!
    to express an opinion
    To report speech
    to express willingness
    to talk about hypothetical situations
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  • The car wouldn't start, so I had to walk.
    typical or expected behavior
    express an opinion
    past habits
    what something is willing or able to do
  •  15
  • Rewrite the sentence with would: Close the door.
    Would you close the door?
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  • Rewrite the sentence with would: When I was younger, I used to watch cartoons on Saturday.
    When I was younger, I would watch cartoons on Saturday.
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  • Rewrite the sentence with would: When I was in college, I used to stay up late studying for exams.
    I would stay up late studying for exams.
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  • Rewrite the sentence: She said she was coming to class.
    She said she would come to class.
  •  15
  • Complete the sentence: An aloof person would...
    Varied answers.
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  • Complete the sentence: A chatty person would...
    varied answers
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  • Complete the sentence: A self-centered person would...
    Varied answers
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  • Complete the sentence: A narrow-minded person...
    varied answers
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  • Use would in a sentence to refer to past habits
    Varied answers
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  • Use would in a sentence to refer to typical or expected behavior
    varied answers
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  • Use would in a sentence to express an opinion in a polite way
    Varied answers
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