Game Preview


  •  English    12     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Negotiation is working out a problem or situation so that both sides are ______ with the result
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  • A way to negotiate a problem is
    to make a compromise
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  • _____ the other person what he/she thinks about the problem
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  • True or False: With one TV in the house, Sally wanted to watch youtube and David wanted to watch a movie. Together they came up with a great compromise that Sally will watch youtube on her computer today.
    True- tomorrow David will watch his movie on the computer while Sally gets to watch the TV!
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  • At Wonderland, Sam told Myra that he didn't want to ride the rollercoaster because he was scared. Myra got really angry and walked away. What did Myra not do?
    Think about why Sam might be feeling this way
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  • You want to eat hamburgers and your friend wants to eat pizza. How would you compromise?
    good answer
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  • Negotiation is making a decision __________
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  • Compromising is coming to a decision that is fair and ____________
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  • Some negotiations and decisions may not be _________ fair
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  • Is this a good example of negotiating?
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  • Your friend wants to play video games, you want to watch youtube. The first step in negotiating is
    recognizing you have a difference of opinion
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  • Name 2 ways to compromise
    vote, take turns or do what each person wants to do for a short time
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