Game Preview

Cause and Effect

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  •  English    17     Public
    What might happen in these situations?
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What might happen if you don't do your laundry?
    You might run out of clothes, have to wear dirty clothes, etc.
  •  15
  • What might happen if you forget to lock the front door?
    Someone could break in.
  •  15
  • What might happen if you yell at your friends?
    They might not want to be around you, etc.
  •  15
  • What might happen if you stay up really late the night before an important meeting?
    You might be tired, sleep in class, etc.
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  • What might happen if you steal something from a store?
    You might get in trouble, get arrested, etc.
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  • What might happen if you don't put on sunscreen at the beach?
    You might get sunburnt.
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  • What might happen if you cut in front of someone in line?
    They might get mad, tell you to move, etc.
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  • What might happen if you drop your wallet on the ground?
    It could get stolen.
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  • What might happen if you forget to put milk in the refigerator?
    It might go bad.
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  • What might happen if you don't set a timer while baking cookies?
    They might burn.
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  • What might happen if you drive faster than the speed limit?
    You might get pulled over, get a ticket.
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  • What might happen if you forget to turn the water off in the bathtub?
    It might overflow.
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  • What might happen if you don't water your plants?
    They might die.
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  • What might happen if you leave your windows open in the winter?
    It might get really cold.
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  • What might happen if you shovel the snow from your neighbor's driveway?
    They might be happy, might pay you.
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  • What might happen if you eat a whole package of Oreos?
    You might feel sick.
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