Game Preview

Ch. 13 & 14 Elections, Campaigns, & Political P ...

  •  English    49     Public
    Waples Elections and Campaigns Spring 2024
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Explain how voter turnout differs between midterm and presidential elections and WHY
    Midterms- lower voter turnout presidential elections= higher turnout
  •  25
  • What is the difference between primaries and caucuses?
    Primaries people vote on ballots. Caucuses, people gather, discuss, and show their preference for a candidate.
  •  20
  • Define Open Primary
    A voter may choose which party ballot to use (at the polls).
  •  15
  • Define Closed Primary
    A voter may only participate in the party they are registered with
  •  15
  • What is the purpose of voter registration?
    prevent voter fraud
  •  10
  • What are three requirements to vote in California?
    Citizen, resident of the state, registered to vote, 18 years old, can't be in prison.
  •  15
  • Define suffrage
    the ability to vote
  •  10
  • Is voting a right or a privilege?
    Give me a good answer and justify your position.
  •  15
  • What did the 23rd Amendment do?
    DC voting rights (3 electoral votes)
  •  15
  • What did the 19th Amendment do?
    Gave women the right to vote.
  •  15
  • How did the 24th Amendment encourage suffrage?
    Eliminated poll taxes
  •  15
  • List 3 requirements to run for the presidency
    Age, residency, and citizenship
  •  15
  • What did the Motor Voter Act do?
    Allowed citizens to register to vote at their state's DMV
  •  15
  • What was the significance of the Voting Rights Act of 1965?
    Required states to follow the 15th and 24th Amendments.
  •  25
  • Why would a state require identification to vote?
    prevent fraud in elections
  •  15
  • Why is the electoral college significant to small states?
    Their electoral vote matters, candidates need every elector.
  •  15