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  •  English    23     Public
    Latin infinitives in 3 tenses, active and passive
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • amare
    to love
  •  5
  • amari
    to be loved
  •  10
  • amavisse
    to have loved
  •  15
  • amatus esse
    to have been loved
  •  20
  • amaturus esse
    to be going to love
  •  25
  • habēre
    to have
  •  5
  • haberi
    to be had
  •  10
  • habuisse
    to have had
  •  15
  • habitus esse
    to have been had
  •  20
  • habiturus esse
    to be going to have
  •  25
  • tangere
    to touch
  •  5
  • tangi
    to be touched
  •  10
  • tetigisse
    to have touched
  •  15
  • tactus esse
    to have been touched
  •  20
  • tacturus esse
    to be going to touch
  •  25
  • audire
    to hear
  •  5