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Root words 2

  •  English    12     Public
    photo, spect, scope, tele, graph, micro
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • what is the meaning of the root "photo"
  •  15
  • what is the meaning of the root "spect"
    to see/look at
  •  20
  • what is the meaning of the root "scope"
    to see/look at
  •  15
  • what is the meaning of the root "tele"
  •  10
  • what is the meaning of the root "graph"
    to write
  •  15
  • what is the meaning of the root "micro"
    very small
  •  15
  • what is the root in the word photocopier and what does the word mean?
    photo/ a machine that makes copies using light
  •  20
  • what is the root in the word photocgraph and what does the word mean?
    photo/ and image made/written with light
  •  15
  • what is the root in the word respect and what does the word mean?
    spect/ to look ta something closely
  •  20
  • what is the root in the word spectator and what does the word mean?
    person who watches at a game or event
  •  25
  • what is the root in the word telegraph and what does the word mean?
    tele & graph/ a way to sent a message over a distance
  •  25
  • what is the root in the word microbiology and what does the word mean?
    micro & bio & logy/ the study of small life
  •  25