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Korean 101 review

  •  Korean    26     Public
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  • How to say "hello" and "thank you" politely in Korean?
    안녕하세요. 감사합니다/고맙습니다.
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  • How to say "Good bye(to a person who's leaving)" and "Sorry" politely in Korean?
    안녕히 가세요. 죄송합니다.
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  • (3) Introduce all your names! "안녕하세요. 저는 _____-이에요/예요"
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  • (3) Answer the teacher's question. "___ 씨는 ___ 사람이에요?"
    아니요. 저는 _____ 사람이에요.
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  • (3) What does this mean? 제 직업은 회사원이에요.
    My job is an office worker.
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  • (4) ask three questions using '이거/그거/저거' to the teacher. Point to certain objects while asking what it is.
    이거/그거/저거는 뭐예요?
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  • (4) What does this mean? 이 노트북은 한이 씨의 노트북이에요?
    Is this Hani's laptop?
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  • (4) In groups, ask and answer a question using "N이/가 있어요/없어요"
    ___이/가 있어요/없어요? 네/아니요. 있어요/없어요.
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  • (4) Name five Korean words for those English words. "chair/notebook/watch/money/key"
    의자, 공책, 시계, 돈, 열쇠
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  • (5) Order two things you want from this cafe. Use a proper word for "and" and "number".
    ____ __(native Korean numbers) 하고 _____ ____(N) 주세요.
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  • (5) Order two things you want from this restaurant. Use a proper word for "and" and "number".
    ____ __(native Korean numbers) 하고 _____ ____(N) 주세요.
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  • (5) Order one 비빔밥 and two cups of beer using a proper unit noun!
    비빔밥 한 그릇하고 맥주 두 잔 주세요.
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  • (6) Answer the question "지금 뭐 해요?" using vocabulary related to these icons ☕🏸📖.
    커피를 마셔요. 운동해요/배드민턴을 쳐요. 공부해요.
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  • (6) Say this sentence in Korean. "I meet a friend at a park."
    공원에서 친구를 만나요.
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  • (6) Say this sentence in Korean. "I watch a movie at home."
    집에서 영화를 봐요.
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  • (7) Read how much it is. "35,000 won."
    삼만 오천원
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