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IE_Unit 6_Phrasal Verbs

  •  English    8     Public
    Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verbs.
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  • It's my birthday. Let's _________.
    eat out
  •  20
  • If you live in a different country, the best way to ____________ the local language is chatting with local people every day.
    pick up
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  • Mark is really nice. When I visited his home town last summer, he _________ me _________.
    showed, around
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  • I usually ___________ Mandalay by motorbike. It's cheaper than Tuk Tuk.
    get around
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  • My boss scolded me yesterday beacause I _________ to work very late.
    turned up
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  • When I visited Bangkok last year, I ___________ Ocean World and it is really interesting to see all underwater species.
    looked around
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  • I will ____________ to my city very soon. I'm here to say goodbye to you.
    go back
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  • I usually __________ for summer. It's fun if you spend time somewhere with your family.
    go away
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