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MLK Vocab

  •  English    25     Public
    Vocabulary words
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  • score
    a group of 20 things
  •  15
  • emancipation
    liberation, freeing
  •  15
  • justice
  •  15
  • injustice
  •  15
  • segregation
    seperation or isolation based on race, ethnicity, or other reason
  •  15
  • discrimination
    unfair treatment based on race or other reason
  •  15
  • poverty
    lacking material posessions or basic resources
  •  15
  • exile
    forced absence from ones country or home
  •  15
  • promissory note
    a written promise to pay a sum of money at a future time
  •  15
  • defaulted
    (past tense) a failure to pay financial debt
  •  15
  • sacred
    entitled to reverence and respect
  •  15
  • obligation
    a commitment to pay a debt
  •  15
  • insufficient
    not enough
  •  15
  • bankrupt
    out of money, not able to pay debts
  •  15
  • vault
    a compartment for the safekeeping of valuables
  •  15
  • degenerate
    decline or sink into a poorer condition
  •  15