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Unit 4 Exam: World War I & the Aftermath

  •  English    19     Public
    Unit 4 Exam: World War I & the Aftermath
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  • What year did World War I begin?
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  • Which countries were part of the Triple Entente?
    Russia, France, Great Britain, U.S.
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  • Which countries were part of the Triple Alliance?
    Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary
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  • Explain what the M.A.I.N. causes of World War I were.
    militarism, alliances, imperialism, nationalism
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  • Why was propaganda used in World War I?
    Propaganda was used to convince people/ citizens to support the war or join it.
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  • Where was the majority of World War I fought? What were the two fronts?
    Europe & the Eastern Front & Western Front
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  • How did rationing impact World War I on the home front (within the United States)?
    Rationing = governments decided how much and what was produced. There was a limitation to how many goods were available to buy for the purpose of the war.
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  • How did women impact World War I on the home front (within the United States)?
    some served in the army, nurses and helped with manufacturing
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  • What was trench warfare?How were trenches a good warfare technique?
    A type of combat in which opposing troops fight from trenches facing each other. | 12 ft. deep. It was a good fighting technique to hold the line so the enemy
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  • Why did the U.S. remain neutral in World War I from 1914 - 1916?
    The geographic location of the United States was not at risk/threatened.
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  • Why did the U.S. remain neutral in World War I from 1914 - 1916?
    The geographic location of the United States did not put the Americans' lives at risk.
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  • Why did the U.S. remain neutral in World War I from 1914 - 1916?
    There were many immigrants from Europe that were in the United States and the government did not want the American society to be divided.
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  • Why did the U.S. remain neutral in World War I from 1914 - 1916?
    President Wildrow Wilson ran for presidency on the condition to keep the U.S. out of the war.
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  • Why did the U.S. remain neutral in World War I from 1914 - 1916?
    The economy of the United States would be unstable.
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  • Why did the U.S. join World War I in 1917?
    Unlimited submarine warfare - the Germans did not follow the international law to warn civilian ships before targeting
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  • Why did the U.S. join World War I in 1917?
    The Lusitania - The German U - boat sank the Lusitania ship where there were 128 Americans board
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