Game Preview


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  •  English    31     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Typically densely populated, with a large number of people living in a relatively small geographical area. Urban or Rural?
  •  15
  • The tranformation of China into a modern economy started in 1950s through the process of .............................
  •  15
  • This often features natural landscapes, including open fields, forests, mountains, and bodies of water. Urban or Rural?
  •  15
  • How many inhabitants does a BIG CITY have?
    more than 1 million
  •  15
  • Give 1 cause of Urbanisation
    rural to urban migration / natural population increase
  •  15
  • Today, about half of the world's population lives in .........................areas.
  •  15
  • Provide access to a wide range of services, such as healthcare, education, entertainment, and shopping, reflecting the concentration of resources and facilities. Urban or Rural?
  •  15
  • Preserves traditional ways of life, including cultural practices, customs, and often a slower pace of living. Urban or Rural?
  •  15
  • Defined as a city with more than 10 million inhabitants
    Mega Cities
  •  15
  • How many Mega Cities are there all over the world according to Demographia (in 2023)?
  •  15
  • Urbanisation is a population shift from ............. to ................. areas.
    rural - urban
  •  15
  • Urbanisation has provided better a............... to health facilities and education.
  •  15
  • Give the TOP 3 Mega Cities
    Delhi India, Shanghai China, Tokyo Japan
  •  15
  • Describe the population in rural areas.
    generally have lower population density
  •  15
  • _______________ centers on changing the perception or image of an urban area, often with the goal of attracting new residents, businesses, or tourists.
    Urban rebranding
  •  15
  • ____________ is a revival of older urban areas by either improving what there is or clearing it away and rebuilding
    Urban regeneration
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