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Early Humans

  •  English    10     Public
    Early humans way of life/ hunter-gatherer
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • People who hunted animals and gathered plants for food were called what?
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  • The act of moving from one place to settle in another is called what?
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  • True or false? Hunter-gatherers were nomads who migrated.
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  • Name a tool created by early humans.
    Ax, mattock, harpoon, awl, spearhead, carrying bags, hunting bows
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  • True/false- the following is the definition of migration: “All of the ways in which people apply knowledge, tools and inventions to meet their needs.”
    False (answer = technology)
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  • Why did hunter-gatherers/nomads migrate?
    To find more food to hunt, to be in warmer climates during the seasons
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  • What did early humans use for shelter?
    Caves, made shelter built from branches, animal skins, or plant fibers.
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  • Name one use of fire for early humans.
    Cook meat, warmth, to protect themselves from predators
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  • How are early humans different from other creatures?
    Art, language, culture, religion
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  • True/false: fire and the use of tools improved lives for early humans.
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