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the day of dead

  •  English    25     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Whe is The Day of Dead?
    November 1st and 2nd
  •  5
  • Who or what returns during this time?
    The spirits of loved ones
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  • What happens at the cementary?
    people visit the place, light candles, spend the night there
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  • What significance to monarch butterflies have this holiday?
    butterflies carry the souls or spirits of the dead
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  • How are the skulls decorated?
    with sugar and frosting designs
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  • How do people honor the souls of young children?
    with toys on the altars
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  • What is on an altar?
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  • What does "marigol" mean?
    flower of twenty petals / dead people's flower
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  • What do the 3 levels of the altars mean? a )Underworld,Heaven,Earth b) underworld,Earth,Heaven
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  • What is the incense used for?
    to keep out evil spirits
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  • The mexican bread of the Dead represents the cycle of life: TRUE OR FALSE
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  • What does the color purple mean in this celebration?
    means mourning and represents the catholic religion
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  • What does the color yellow represent in this celebration? a) light b) happiness
    a) light
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  • The origin of this tradition is: a) 200 years ago b) 1800 years a.c c) since 1965
    b) 1800 a.c
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  • When does the Day of Dead begin? a)November 1st b) October 28th
    b) October 28th (traditionally people start putting an altar in this day)
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  • Who started with the tradition of the pecked paper? a) The aztecs b) the mayas
    a) aztecs
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