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7th Grade First Semester Final

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  •  English    40     Public
    7th Grade First Semester Final
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What is a primary source?
    Something original from the time period.
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  • What is a secondary source?
    something written years later, summary of an event
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  • What was Pax Romana?
    200 years of peace
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  • Who was Rome’s first emperor?
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  • Who was one of the five good emperors?
    Anthony Aurelius
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  • What did the Romans believe in?
    Gods & Goddesses Spirits Christianty
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  • What is one reason why Rome collapsed?
    The alliances (friendships) with the Barbarian tribes
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  • What was the Byzantine Empire?
    After the fall of the Roman Empire it was the Eastern part that survived which became the Byzantine Empire.
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  • Why is Emperor Justinian important to the Byzantine Empire?
    He was the first emperor to have all of the laws written down in one place known as the Justinian Code.
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  • What are two similarities between Judaism, Christianity and the Islamic religions?
    Judaism, Christinaity and the Islamic religion believe in one God. Judaism, Christinaity and the Islamic religion each have their own religious text.
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  • What is Judaism? What is the religious text called? Who is the leader of the belief?
    The belief in one God who revealed himself to Abraham, Moses, and the Hebrew prophets.
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  • What is Christianity? What is the religious text called? Who is the leader of the belief?
    The religion is based on the person and teachings of Jesus or its beliefs and practices.
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  • What is the Islamic religion? What is the religious text called? Who is the leader of the belief?
    The Islamic religion believes in one God and the religious text is called the Quran.
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  • What are the five pillars of the Muslim religion?
    Profession of Faith (shahada).,Prayer (salat),Alms (zakat),Fasting (sawm,Pilgrimage
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  • What type of climate does Africa have?
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  • Who were the first people that settled in Africa?
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