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7th grade, Module 2 Vocabulary (Epidemics)

  •  English    14     Public
    Vocabualry words seen throughout the module/trimester
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Epidemologist
    a scientist that studies the cause, spread, and containment of diseases in a population
  •  10
  • Microbe
    germs that cause disease
  •  5
  • Gist
    short summary of what the material is about
  •  15
  • Social Contagion
    ideas, behaviors, or emotions that spread rapidly through groups
  •  20
  • Epidemic
    an outbreak of a disease that spreads rapidly to many people
  •  10
  • Paraphrase
    putting the text into your own words
  •  15
  • Close readers do these things before they read...
    preview, predict, chunk
  •  10
  • Close readers do these things while they read...
    annotate, define, check
  •  10
  • Inference (infer)
    make an educated guess
  •  5
  • Epidemology
    the study of how diseases spread through a population
  •  15
  • Contagious
    easily spread or passed around
  •  5
  • Conformity
    tendency for an individual to align their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors with those of the people around them.
  •  15
  • Patient zero
    the first person to catch a disease
  •  15
  • Transmission
    the act of transferring something from one spot to another
  •  10