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C1.1 conversa XMAS REVISION

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  •  English    18     Public
    No idea
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  • MEANING? His constant complaining really GETS UNDER MY SKIN.
    annoys me
  •  15
  • MEANING? A: I've got so much work to do! B: So does everyone - we're all IN THE SAME BOAT.
    experiencing something similar
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  • MEANING? When you have a problem with someone at work, you have to be able to CROSS THE DIVIDE.
    build understanding with someone whose views are different to yours
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  • MEANING? It’s important to develop COPING MECHANISMS for stress and anxiety.
    ways to manage painful or difficult situations
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  • MEANING? A manager must know how to BUILD RAPPORT with their team.
    develop trust, liking and friendship
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  • WHICH PHRASAL VERB? She keeps POSTPONING important phone calls.
    putting off
  •  15
  • WHICH PHRASAL VERB? I think he’s just shy, but he can EMIT/PRODUCE a snobbish vibe.
    give off
  •  15
  • WHICH PHRASAL VERB? My colleagues keep EXCLUDING me from discussions.
    freezing me out
  •  15
  • WHICH PHRASAL VERB? My boss never praises my work but he’s always quick to DRAW ATTENTION TO my mistakes.
    point out
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  • MEANING? Pulau Sipadan an island RENOWNED for its beauty.
    famous and admired
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  • MEANING? He always looks so serious; it's tricky to GAUGE what he's thinking.
    judge / evaluate
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  • MEANING? She’s a deeply CONSCIENTIOUS employee and will be very successful in the future.
    careful to do everything that it is your job or duty to do
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  • MEANING? The DREADED moment for her to make her speech had arrived.
    making you feel afraid or anxious
  •  15
  • MEANING? He remains confident and, SEEMINGLY at least, untroubled by his recent problems.
  •  25
  • WHICH PHRASAL VERB? You're absolutely right. I'd definitely AGREE with that.
    go along
  •  25
  • MISSING WORD? It was quite funny. Well, 'funny' as ___ 'haha', not strange.
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