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The first World War - Gallipoli

  •  English    11     Public
    The Battle of Gallipoli
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What is militarism?
    The increasing control of the army on people and expanditure
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  • Who is it? What did does he has to do with Gallipoli?
    He promotes and organized the Gallipoli campaign. Winston Churchill's reputation suffered for many years because of this defeat.
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  • Who is it? What did does he has to do with Gallipoli?
    He promotes and organized the Gallipoli campaign. Winston Churchill's reputation suffered for many years because of this defeat.
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  • How many Australians enroled to fight in the First World War?
    416 809 Australians enroled throughout the First World War
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  • How many Australians died during the Gallipoli campaign?
    28 150
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  • Which country had the most casualties in Gallipoli?
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  • Nem three locations where Australian were involved in the war
    PNG, Palestine, Egypt, North Pacific, West of France, Gallipoli, Suez canal, the Black Sea
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  • Who is Hughes? What did he try to do?
    Hughes was the Australian Prime minister during part of the First World War. He tried to make a referendum in order to send more troups to Europe
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  • b. What does his use of terms like ‘the Mother Country’ and ‘our own’ suggest about his perspective?
    For him, Australia still had a strong relationship with England. He probably still sees himself as English.
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  • what does Anzac stands for?
    Australia and New Zealand Army Corps
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  • Who is Charles Bean?
    He was the war correspondent for Australia.
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