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Church History 1000-1500 AD

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    Church History 1000-1500 AD
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  • True/False: A schism is a split or division over differences of opinion or belief.
  •  15
  • After the Great Schism, the faith of Eastern Christians became...
    Orthodox Christianity
  •  15
  • True/False: The Great Schism happened because of doctrinal issues.
  •  15
  • True/False: The Great Schism DID NOT happen because Eastern Christians did not believe in Jesus' real presence in the Eucharist
  •  15
  • The "Great" or "Eastern" Schism happened in...
    1054 AD
  •  15
  • 5 universities are established in the year...
    1088 AD
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  • True/False: By 1000 AD, Muslims occupied two-thirds of the ancient Christian world.
  •  15
  • Pope Urban II called for the first Crusade in...
    1095 AD
  •  15
  • The first Gothic cathedral was completed in 1144. It is named...
    Saint Denis
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  • The Muslim sultan who fought against Richard the Lionhearted was...
  •  15
  • The Renaissance began in...
    1300 AD
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  • The Inquisition was established in...
    1229 AD
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  • The 4th Crusade began to make Egypt Christian again, but which city was sacked instead?
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  • The word "Renaissance" comes from the French word meaning...
  •  15
  • The Renaissance began in the country of...
  •  15
  • Who was the king of England during the 2nd and 3rd Crusades?
    King Richard (the Lionhearted)
  •  15