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Living things

  •  English    17     Public
    Living and Non-living
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Livng things cannot excrete
  •  5
  • The scientific word for breathing is ______________.
  •  5
  • When my body is well and strong, Iam ________
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  • Livng things need food to obtain ________
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  • A paper kite can fly and move around in the air. Is it alive?
    No, it's not alive
  •  5
  • Which of the following is the beginning of a plant's lifecycle? a. A young plants develops, b.A seed, c. A seed begins to grow, d. The Young plant becomes a fully grown plant
    b. A seed
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  • Animals make their own food. True or False
  •  5
  • The process of Plants making it's own food is known as ___________
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  • An _________ is fully grown living thing.
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  • Animal food comes from ______ and other _______.
    plants, animals
  •  10
  • Plants relaease _________ as a waste product.
  •  5
  • Plants use ______________ from the air to make sugar.
    carbon dioxide
  •  5
  • Arrange the different stages of life cycle of frog - ( froglet - frog spawn - tadpole - frog )
    frog spawn - tadpole - froglet - frog
  •  10
  • Arrange the life cycle of Butterfly - (chrysallis - egg - caterpillar - butterfly)
    egg - caterpillar - chrysallis - butterfly
  •  10
  • Name the seven life process of living thing
    1. Movement 2. Respiration 3. Sense 4. Growth 5. Reproduce 6. Excretion 7. Nutrition
  •  15
  • Sweat is an excretion of human body. True or False
  •  5