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Climates 5º

  •  English    29     Unlisted
    Reviewing climates
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What's the difference between weather and climate?
    Weather changes quickly, a specific point in the atmosphere. Climate changes over long periods of time, larger scale
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  • The Sun's rays hit the ... at ... angles, which makes that area receive a lot of ....
    equator - heat - right
    heat - right - equator
    equator - right - heat
    right - equator - heat
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  • Latitude is...
    The distance from the Sun to the Equator
    The distance between a point on Earth and the Meridian
    The distance to cross borders
    The distance between a point on Earth and the Equator
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  • Stacking these rocks gives them a higher ...
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  • The air in the atmosphere pushes on us. What is this called?
    Atmospheric pressure
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  • In the video that we watched, why did the ruler break when there was a newspaper placed on top of half of it?
    Because it added A LOT of extra atmospheric pressure
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  • It can be hard to breathe at high altitudes. This is because...
    There is less are and more pressure
    There is more air and more pressure
    There is less air and less pressure
    There is more air and less pressure
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  • If Mike stands on the street outside and his friend Tom stands on the top of a mountain. Who experiences more atmospheric pressure?
    Tom - There is more air and more pressure at higher altitude
    Mike - There is more air and more pressure at lower altitude
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  • On an isobar map, L stands for ... and H stands for ...
    depressions - cyclones
    cyclones - depressions
    depressions - anticyclones
    anticyclones - depressions
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  • What's the weather like in an area that is experiencing a strong anticyclone?
    It is most likely sunny and clear skies (It can be hot or cold)
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  • What is the weather probably like in an area experiencing a strong depression?
    Cloudy, rainy
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  • The higher the altitude, the lower the atmospheric pressure
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  • The map which shows us high and low pressure is an ...
    Isobar map
    Iso map
    Isotope map
    Isolated map
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  • When air is heated, it expands and becomes ... and creates an area of ... pressure.
    lighter - low
    heavier - low
    low - heavier
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  • When are cools, it becomes denser and ... towards the surface, creating an area of ... pressure
    sinks - low
    rises - low
    sinks - high
    rises - high
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  • It was very windy yesterday
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