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  •  English    11     Public
    What is a landscape?
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What is a landscape?
    A landscape is everything around us
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  • The 2 types of elements in a landscape are...
    Natural and man-made elements
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  • An inland landscape is...
    far from the sea
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  • A coastal landscape is...
    next to the sea
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  • A mountainous landscape...
    aren´t flat
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  • Parts of a mountain
    peak, slope and foot
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  • The bottom of the mountain is called....
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  • What is a ravine?
    A ravine is a narrow, steep valley
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  • A small mountain is called.....
    a hill
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  • A large area of low flat land is called.....
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  • The big plateau in Spain is the....
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