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Present Perfect & Present Perfect Continuous

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  •  English    22     Public
    Present Perfect & Present Perfect Continuous
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • I ______(write) e-mails since 10:00 this morning. So far, I _____(finish) about 20.
    have been writing / have finished
    have been writing / have been finishing
  •  15
  • I love that restaurant. I ______(eat) there many times.
    have eaten
  •  15
  • Go and wake up your father. He ___________ (sleep) all afternoon.
    has been sleeping
  •  15
  • They _______ (build) that office tower for almost two years.
    have been building
  •  15
  • You can take my book to read. I __________ already ___________ (finish) it!
    have already been finishing it
    have already finished it
  •  15
  • Let’s sit down. I’m tired. We ________________(dance) for hours.
    have been dancing
  •  15
  • The girl _________(wait) for her boyfriend for the past twenty minutes.
    has been waiting
  •  15
  • The police ____________ finally __________ the robber. We are not in danger anymore!
    have finally arrested
    have finally been arresting
  •  15
  • Please answer the phone. It _______________(ring) for the past five minutes.
    has been ringing
  •  15
  • Sara __________(be) in the hospital for over a month. She may come home next week.
    has been
    has being
    has been being
  •  15
  • It _________ (rain) steadily for the past two days
    has been raining
  •  15
  • I smell chocolate in here! _________you____________ (bake)?
    have you baked
    have you been baking
  •  15
  • Sam and Jonas ________________ (know) each other since they were children
    have been knowing
    have known
  •  15
  • We are ready to go to the airport but we .................. . We're still at home.
    haven't left yet
    haven't been leaving yet.
  •  15
  • My mother _________ (cook) all morning. She's tired!
    has been cooking
  •  15
  • My brother ________ with me since he lost his job.
    has been living
  •  15