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Health & Safety Protocols during a pandemic

  •  English    24     Public
    Basic questions on proper guideline for stopping the spread
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • True/False? If I need to cough or sneeze, I should cover my mouth with my bare hands.
    False (use your elbow or sneeze into a tissue)
  •  15
  • True/False? If I use a tissue to blow my nose, I should throw it away immediately.
    True (do NOT leave used tissues on your desk)
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  • True/False? It is important to wash and scrub your hands with soap and clean water for at least 20 seconds.
    True (sing the happy birthday song twice to keep track of time)
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  • True/False? Germs can be transferred to your hands from objects like cell phones, table tops, and money when you touch them.
    True (that is one reason why it is SO important to use hand sanitizer during the day, especially before you eat)
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  • True/False? Wearing a proper face covering can help to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
    True (it is especially important that you wear your face covering properly with nose and mouth covered)
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  • True/False? Face coverings only need to cover your mouth. It's okay if your nose is out a little bit.
    False (the proper way to wear a face covering is over your NOSE AND MOUTH)
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  • True/False? This person is wearing a face covering in the correct way.
    False (his nose and mouth should be covered)
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  • True/False? This person is wearing a face covering in the correct way.
    False (his nose and mouth should be covered)
  •  15
  • True/False? This person is wearing a face covering in the correct way.
    False (her nose should be covered also)
  •  15
  • True/False? This person is wearing a face covering in the correct way.
    False (her nose an mouth should be covered)
  •  15
  • True/False? This person is wearing a face covering in the correct way.
    True (both her nose and mouth are covered properly)
  •  15
  • True/False? This person is wearing a face covering in the correct way.
    True (both his nose and mouth are covered properly)
  •  15
  • True/False? This person is wearing a face covering in the correct way.
    True (both his nose and mouth are covered properly)
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  • True/False? It is okay to take my mask off in the cafeteria to eat my lunch.
    True (you have permission to remove your mask so you can eat breakfast and lunch)
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  • True/False? It is okay to take my mask off in the classroom during virtual learning.
    False (you are required to keep a proper face covering on during in-person classes)
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  • True/False? It is okay to take my mask off at home during virtual learning.
    True (when you are not around others, it is okay to take your mask off)
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