Game Preview


  •  English    11     Public
    Vocabulary review
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Which sentence is correct?
    The preacher denounced sin.
    The latest dance is called the denounce.
    He denounced the end of the game.
    A denounce is a person place or thing.
  •  15
  • Which sentence is correct?
    He nailed the broad to the floor.
    He put butter on his broad.
    She broad five children.
    The Hudson River is very broad.
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  • Which sentence is correct?
    Queens is a very diverse place with many immigrants.
    Diverse is a type of poem.
    It was a diverse drive to the country.
    He diversed his first wife.
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  • Which sentence is correct?
    Li Qiang's work is at an art exhibition.
    It was exhibition to touch the altar.
    The exhibition was up the mountain.
    He exhibition was loud.
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  • Which sentence is correct?
    He built a significance around his house.
    Significance was a famous singer.
    The significance of library budget cuts means fewer classes.
    The roadside significance said "Sale this Black Friday!"
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  • Which sentence is correct?
    She was participating by never being there.
    By participating in the class, he will learn more English.
    He covered the roof with participating.
    He participating the pie into eight slices.
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  • Which sentence is correct?
    The car made a deep sound.
    Einstein had a deep understanding of physics.
    Johnny Deep is famous actor.
    The one-inch puddle was very deep.
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  • Which sentence is correct?
    A bodega is a fast Italian sports car.
    In NYC a small food store is called a bodega or a grocery.
    He grocery from five feet to six feet from ages 12 to 14.
    The latest dance is called the bodega.
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  • Which sentence is correct?
    He answered in the affirmative by saying no.
    He answered in the affirmative by saying yes.
    The affirmative had 3 floors in the office building.
    The athlete had a very affirmative body.
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  • Which sentence is correct?
    The nasty old man always said negative things.
    He negative the peace treaty between the two countries.
    The happy old man always said negative things.
    The negative is the smallest piece of matter.
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  • Which sentence is correct?
    France was a usually of England in World War II.
    The usually eats mice and small animals.
    Usually, he takes a shower every morning.
    Usually was a famous rock group.
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  • Which sentence is correct?
    He was all ears because he sweated so much.
    He was all ears as he brushed his teeth.
    He paid attention and was all ears when the teacher spoke.
    The grass was all ears.
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  • Which sentence is correct?
    The British Imperative ruled over many colonies.
    The imperative is a small bird.
    Napoleon was the imperative of France.
    An imperative is a grammar term for a command.
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