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B11 - 1st term revision

  •  English    17     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Vaccines are often used to prevent the _____ of diseases caused by viruses. A. development B. increase C. decrease D. spread
    D. spread
  •  15
  • Viruses can cause a range illness, from the common cold or the flu to more _____ diseases such as AIDS and Covid-19. A. infectious B. regular C. serious D. essential
    C. serious
  •  20
  • Start by looking at food labels, paying attention to ingredients and _____ such as vitamins and minerals. A. nutrients B. features C. types D. medicines
    A. nutrients
  •  10
  • Exercise _____ to always keep your body fit and your mind happy. (regular)
  •  10
  • He eats a lot of burger and chips so he’s putting on _____.
  •  10
  • About 50,000 bicyclists suffer _____ serious head injuries each year.
  •  5
  • A family with more than 2 generations living together is called?
    extended family
  •  15
  • I have a 11 p.m ____. If I went back home after that, I'd be in trouble. A. homestay B. conflict C. curfew D. banning
    C. curfew
  •  25
  • Parents should be ____ by offering guidance to kids without forcing their decisions on them. A. like-minded B. narrow-minded C. open-minded D. absent-minded
  •  10
  • After graduating from university, I want to ____ in my father's footsteps
  •  25
  • What is it called?
  •  15
  • What is it called?
    carbon footprint
  •  10
  • Species that is likely to become extinct is called __________
    endangered species
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  • The Saudi government is investing billions in _____ to support the enormous influx of people in Mecca. A. streets B. roads C. bridges D. infrastructure
    D. infrastructure
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  • We should develop such a_____e sources of energy as solar energy and nuclear energy.
  •  25
  • Someone who is o_____ is hopeful about the future or the success of something in particular.
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