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  •  English    18     Public
    Advanced Grammar, Subjunctive
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  • Does Subjunctive Mode exist in the English language?
    Yes, it does. Native speakers use it less and less, though.
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  • Does the Subjunctive in English express the same as in Spanish?
    Yes, it does: Probability, Desire, Hypothetical situations, Recommendations, Requests, Suggestions, Some structures with certain adjectives...
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  • How would you translate "Ojala vengas mañana" in English?
    I wish you would come tomorrow.
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  • How would you say "Puede que vengas mañana"?
    You might come tomorrow.
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  • Say in English "Quizas vengas mañana"
    You might come tomorrow
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  • Say: Te recomiendo que vengas mañana
    I recommend that you come tomorrow
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  • Translate: Te sugiero que vengas mañana
    I suggest that you come tomorrow
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  • When is there a clear subjunctive grammar structure in English?
    When we use the verb TO BE in the subjunctive/passive form
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  • Say an example with the subjunctive/passive form with the verb TO BE
    They demanded that things BE done carefully
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  • Translate: It is important that it BE kept a secret
    Es importante que se mantenga el secreto
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  • Sayin English: "Recomiendo que las cosas se hagan con cuidado"
    I recommend that things BE done carefully
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  • How do you say in English? "Es vital que se haga cumplir la ley"
    It is vital that the law BE enforced
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  • Say: "El gobierno insta a la gente a usar la mascarilla"
    The government urges people that mask BE used
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  • Which verbs are used in the Subjunctive Mode?
    Be, recommend, demand, request, advise, insist, propose, urge...
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  • Which adjectives are used in the Subjunctive Mode?
    advisable, important, crucial,desirable, necessary, preferable, vital...
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  • How can you level up the adjective "important" when using the Subjunctive?
    1_It is of the utmost/uttermost importance; 2_It is paramount/pivotal
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